Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy
With Thelma Vlamis
Move beyond the mind and get to the root cause of why certain patterns reoccur in your life that cause you pain, suffering and heartache

"Thelma has been a remarkable presence in my life as a holistic counsellor. From our very first session, I felt a sense of ease in her nurturing, non-judgmental space. Her compassion and genuine understanding create an atmosphere where I feel safe to open up.
What sets Thelma apart is her ability to guide me beyond traditional therapy. This isn't like any other therapy I've experienced, we do way more than talk. She encourages me to dive deep into my subconscious and confront emotions I’ve often avoided, all while ensuring I feel safe and supported.
I appreciate her grounded nature and practical insights, which balance the emotional depth of our sessions. The journey is not easy, but with Thelma as a guide, I feel empowered to tackle the hard work ahead. I’ve experienced significant growth and healing through our work together, and I am genuinely grateful for her unwavering support. The transformation I’ve undergone with Thelma has been profound—she truly is an alchemist of the psyche."
Have you seen any of these professionals before, psychologists, psychiatrists, energy healers or coaches and find you are not getting the outcome you want?
This is where I come in. I work beyond the mind (CBT) into the root cause of why you are getting the outcomes in your life that are causing you pain and suffering.
The therapeutic style I use is best suited for anyone who is ready for change and is willing to see themselves deeply then honour that with making changes in their lives.
A client centred approach that supports your own self discovery so that you gain confidence, clarity, direction and tools you can use for the rest of your life.
Your Inner Wisdom is expressed through your sensory system such as talk, movement, art, somatic(body) and imagery (visual). I guide you with questions, psychoeducation (therapeutic tools and topics) and holding a nurturing space for you to feel, process and express and resolve challenges and emotions that come up.
I believe many of our challenges in life whether health related, relationship or career are symptoms of underlying emotional blocks, beliefs, behaviour's and stories in the mind and body that stem from our upbringing. We reinforce these unwanted outcomes on a subconscious (with no awareness) level. The therapeutic practice I uses uncovers the subconscious processes so you can gain confidence, clarity and direction towards changing your behaviour and manifesting the life you want.
People who are ready to uncover at the core level of why certain patterns are looping in their lives and an openness to practice a new way of living with my support guidance.
I work on a deep level with people who are ready to make changes in their lives. If you're ready to go to the depths of your insecurities/fears and allow your emotional experience to unfold naturally, letting go of control of how it should look, you will experience a transformation and manifest the outcomes you want in your life.
How can Counselling benefit you?
Feel and process your emotions
Clarity towards what is happening in your life and how to change it to gain better outcomes
Get practical by gaining direction towards how to implement your learnings from therapy into your everyday life
Become more confident in yourself and how to live your life in alignment with you
Building trust with yourself
Identifying and strengthening your intuition
Manifesting what you want in life

Have you heard the words such as:
"they are triggered"
"that's a trauma repsonse"
"that's your trauma"
"you are repsonsible for your emotions"
When we are upset, fearful, anxious, depressed or feeling emotionally vulnerable and fragile there's often a reason for this. Something in our enviornment or relationships has triggered a phsiological repsonse in our nervous system.
You can work with your triggers so they no longer have power and control over you. Giving you the chance to thrive in life and create healthy habits.
If this is something you want to learn
Client Feedback
Why did you choose to work with me?
The holistic practice you offered suited my style and needs both in my need for therapy/healing and life change.
I also felt safe with you.
How did working with me benefit you?
Opened my thinking to explore my behaviours in different ways. Gave me a deeper understanding about my body's physical response to trauma and stressors.
How can you use what you have learnt in your everyday life?
I am putting it into practise most days. Following my vision for the life I'm creating. Acknowledging and listening to my body in response to stress. Feeling more empowered by my choices and less worried about others opinions of how I live.
I've already met the most wonderful groups of diverse like minded people.
Thank you, you are an inspiration Thelma.
After 4 Sessions Working With Me
"The one on one sessions really focussed on my needs and concerns. You helped me address feelings and beliefs that were holding me back from moving forward. It was like you gently removed a veil that was obscuring my view of the world.
I have been shown a positive direction to move forward into. I’m armed with strategies and tools to use when feelings or situations present that have the potential to block my progress. You also showed me how to accept certain feelings that are ok to feel and also how to use them to my advantage.
I have a greater understanding of the values that are most important to me and how to build on the strength I have to make them a focus in my life. I understand that identifying goals is important for my personal and professional growth and satisfaction and I can achieve and have anything if I allow myself to."
After 1 Session.
"I found Thelma’s questions not only interesting and engaging, but was also asked questions I had never been asked before, including being asked by myself. Of particular note, was Thelma pointing out a particular habit/technique I use to heal myself emotionally and or physically. It is something I have previously not noticed that I did. This will give me cause for much attention and reflection. My time with Thelma was enlightening, seamless and constructive.
On Thelma’s suggestion, I can use this technique in stressful situations at work. This something I feel will be something of real value and utility for me. "
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